Mewchu's Portfolio


About me

a brief introduction about myself.

Art & animation

my art examples, and a brief explanation of how I work.


some links to help find me on other platforms!

about me

Hi, I'm Mewchu! I am currently a full-time student and aspire to have a career in game design/ development.I have been drawing for around 9 years , however I only began drawing digitally about 4 years ago. I am a mainly self-taught artist, having spent 5 years developing my art style and techniques. When drawing I tended to stray from the realistic style I was taught to draw in, and leant further into a style that resembles cartoons.I still have a lot to learn, and look forward to developing & improving my art as I gain more experience.

art & animation

At the moment, I work on an iPad on the application "Procreate".When drawing, I usually draft out the idea on paper to ensure I experiment without deleting or erasing my thought process. I then move onto the digital sketch, where I scribble out vague shapes and positions of characters. I then resketch these shapes until I am happy with the result. I generally move into base colouring after this, then onto shading, cleanup (getting rid of sketchy/ out of place lines) and finally colouring the lines.There are three different styles I work with, each usually ranging in realism. As you'd expect the simplest style takes the shortest timeframe and the somewhat realistic style takes the longest. When working with animated projects, I usually choose one of the simpler styles. (Unfortunately I am currently unable to upload any of my animations here, sorry!)


Youtube: mewchu_idkTikTok: mewchu_idkTwitter: mewchu_idkYou can contact me through email at: [email protected]